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Cheese - Scamorza approx 500gm

Cheese - Scamorza approx 500gm

Regular price $10.25
Regular price Sale price $10.25
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Scamorza is a semi-soft cows milk stretched curd cheese and OMGoodness, it's delicious!

If you like the milky flavour of fresh mozzarella, burrata and bocconcini then you'll LOVE this. Scamorza is complex and has a sweetness balanced by a touch of tartness, therefore it doesn't get dominated by more robust flavours.

Traditionally served with crackers or antipasti items it's perfect to serve with pre-dinner drinks or include on a grazing platter, People will come back for more, I promise you that!

I'm going to experiment more with Scamorza over the coming weeks, I'll try frying (yes, sliced, straight into the pan) and on pizza or in toasties.

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